CERS Programme
Three Days of Powerful Talks
09-11 October
9 October '19 Wednesday
14.00 - 14.15 Opening Ceremony (Aula)
14.15 - 15.30 Plenary Session I. (Aula)
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose: The Geography of EU Discontent and
the Revenge of the Places that Don’t Matter
15.30 - 16.00 Coffee break (Aula)
16.00 - 18.30 Parallel Sessions I. (Lecture Rooms)
19.00 - 22.00 Welcome reception (Aula)
10 October '19 Thursday
09.00 - 10.15 Plenary Session II. (Béres Auditorium)
Alessandra Faggian: The Geography of Hatred in Italy:
Do Economic Factors Play a Role?
10.15 - 10.45 Coffee break (Aula)
10.45 - 13.00 Parallel Sessions II. (Lecture Rooms)
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch (Aula)
14.00 - 14.45 Book Launch (Béres Auditorium)
Grzegorz Gorzelak, Gábor Lux
14.45 - 16.00 Plenary Session III. (Béres Auditorium)
André Torre: Exploiting Local and External Resources
in the Theory of Territorial Development
16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break (Aula)
16.30 - 18.30 Parallel Sessions III. (Lecture Rooms)
19.00 - 22.00 Gala Dinner (Hotel Pannonia – Várkerület 75.)
Young Scientists’ Prize Award Ceremony
11 October '19 Friday
09.00 - 11.00 Parallel Sessions IV. (Lecture Rooms)
11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break (Aula)
11.30 - 12.45 Plenary Session IV. (Béres Auditorium)
Katarzyna Kopczewska: Spatial Machine Learning –
New Opportunities or Just New Fashion?
12.45 - 13.00 Closing Ceremony (Béres Auditorium)
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch (Aula)
About CERS
What is CERS 2019?
The conference is organised every two years in one of the Central European countries for both academics and practitioners, focusing on urban and regional science in the context of the Central European Space.
At 2019, the Hungarian Regional Science Association in cooperation with the University of Sopron, Slovak and German speaking Section of ERSA as well as University of Economics in Bratislava and Technical University of Kosice holds the 7th Central European Conference in Regional Science with the focus on Flows of resources in the regional economy in the age of digitalisation at the University of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics.
The international keynote speakers will be
André Torre (President, European Regional Science Association)
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose (Full-Professor, London School of Economics)
Alessandra Faggian (Director of Social Sciences and Vice Provost for Research at the Gran Sasso Science Institute)
Katarzyna Kopczewska (Associate Professor, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences).
On the conference parallel sessions will be organized. Presentations of 20 minutes are welcomed.
Deadline for Special Session proposal submission by e-mail to cers2019@uni-sopron.hu is 20 January 2019. Abstracts (max. 500 words) should be submitted by e-mail to cers2019@uni-sopron.hu by 20 March 2019.
Special Session:
Proposals on special sessions are welcome. If you have an idea in order to organize a special session, send us your one-page long proposal. Deadline for Special Session proposal submission by e-mail
to cers2019@uni-sopron.hu is 01 February 2019.
The Proceedings of 7th CERS Conference will be submitted to the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Clariviate Web of Science). Full paper submission latest by 01 September 2019.
We are organizing sessions for PhD students and early career researchers in order to give them the opportunity to both present as well as discuss your scientific achievements and obtain high quality feedback from your colleagues who deal with the same or similar issues. The main emphasis is on high quality papers and presentations (in English only), which will be judged by an international conference committee. The best three presentations will be awarded. The winners will be announced at the official closing ceremony
of the conference.
Flows of resources in the regional economy in the age of digitalisation
Proud to bring inspirational speakers from across the globe
Scientific Committee
Zoltán Gál
| Kaposvár University
| Institute for Regional Studies CERS HAS
| Head of Scientific Committee
Pierre-Alexandre Balland | University of Utrecht
István Bartók | University of Sopron
Jiří Blažek | Charles University, Prague
Stephan Brunow | University of Applied Labour Studies, Schwerin
Milan Buček | University of Economics in Bratislava
Roberta Capello | Politecnico di Milano
Andrea Caragliu | Politecnico di Milano
Daniela Constantin | Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Bolesław Domański | Jagellonian University in Kraków
Attila Fábián | University of Sopron
Alessandra Faggian | Gran Sasso Science Institute
Imre Fertő | Institute of Economics CERS HAS
Ugo Fratesi | Politechnico di Milano
Michael Fritsch | Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Grzegorz Gorzelak | University of Warsaw
Oto Hudec | Technical University of Košice
Dieter Kogler | University College Dublin
Tomasz Komornicki
| Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization PAS
Katarzyna Kopczewska | University of Warsaw
Balázs Lengyel | Institute of Economics CERS HAS
Gunther Maier | WU Vienna University of Economics
Andrea Morrison | University of Utrecht
Annekatrin Niebuhr | Kiel University
Peter Nijkamp | Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Josef Novotny | Charles University, Prague
Artur Ochojski | University of Economics, Katowice
Petr Pavlínek | Charles University, Prague
Pavel Ptáček | Mendel University, Brno
Štefan Rehák | University of Economics in Bratislava
Andrés Rodriguez-Posé | London School of Economics
James W. Scott | University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu
Maciej Smetkowski | University of Warsaw
Martin Sokol | Trinity College Dublin
Michael Steiner | University of Graz
Levente Szász | Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
André Torre | INRA Agro Paris Tech
Maciej Turała | University of Łódź
Jouke van Dijk | University of Groningen
Attila Varga | University of Pécs
Michael Wyrwich
| University of Groningen; Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Local Organizing Committee
Balázs István Tóth
| University of Sopron
| Head of Local Organizing Committee
Laura Bertalan
| University of Sopron
Tamás Czeglédy
| University of Sopron
Judit Hegedüs
| University of Sopron
Renáta Inzsöl
| University of Sopron
Ferenc Jankó
| University of Sopron
Slavka Klasova
| Technical University in Košice
Sándor Zsolt Kovács
| Institute for Regional Studies CERS HAS
Erzsébet Nedelka
| University of Sopron
Balázs Páger
| Institute for Regional Studies CERS HAS
Szilárd Rácz
| Hungarian Regional Science Association
Oliver Rafaj
| University of Economics in Bratislava
Conference Themes
Regular Sessions will be organized (but not exclusively) covering the further topics:
Flow of resources and its impact on economic development
Innovation, entrepreneurship and knowledge networks
The economic impact of Foreign Direct Investments
Challenges of urbanization in the core regions and the peripheries
Rural regions in the 21st century – winners or losers?
Spatial development and cohesion policy in CEE regions
Financial markets and (dependent) financialization
Challenges of smart specialization in CEE regions
Digitalization, Industry 4.0 and the transformation of global value chains
Circular economy and environmental challenges
Special Sessions
Besides the Regular Sessions, different Special Sessions will be organized at the Conference. In order to apply to these sessions, please contact with the convenors of the sessions:
Tourism and Regional/Local Development
( Márta Bakucz; bakuczster@gmail.com )
Regional science meets regional industry
( Tamás Gyulai; gyulai.tamas@iqkecskemet.hu )
Urbanization processes and their impact on environment and landscape
( Tamás Hardi; hardit@rkk.hu )
Contemporary Issues in Regional (Corporate) Embeddedness
( Viktória Józsa; viktoria.jozsa@nordconsult.hu )
The presence and effects of Asian investments in Central Europe
( Dániel Kuttor; regdani@uni-miskolc.hu )
Networks, Development and Disparities in Regions
( Balázs Lengyel; lengyel.balazs@krtk.mta.hu and Attila Varga; vargaa@ktk.pte.hu )
Geoeconomic/geopolitical challenges in the EU and CEE
( Márton Péti; marton.peti@uni-corvinus.hu )
Innovative Solutions to Manage Social Urban Problems in European Small
and Medium Sized Towns
( Viktória Szirmai; szirmai.viktoria@tk.mta.hu )
Abstract Submission & Registration
Presentations of 20 minutes are welcomed. Participation fee includes up to 2 presentations.
Abstracts (max. 500 words) should be submitted by e-mail to cers2019@uni-sopron.hu.
*Members of RSAI, or members of Hungarian, German speaking, Polish & Slovak Sections of ERSA.
**Early carrier researchers who have not reached the age of 34 years on December 31, 2018.
Cancellation policy: Cancellation of registration must be made in writing and sent by e-mail to cers2019@uni-sopron.hu. Before September 15, 2019: 100% of the paid registration fees will be refunded. Before September 30, 2019: 50% of the paid registration fees will be refunded. No refund will be applied to cancellations made after October 1, 2019. Non-arrivals will be non-refundable for any reason. All refunds will be made within one weeks after the end of the conference.
Hotel Pannonia ****
H-9400 Sopron, Várkerület 75.
Phone: +36 99 513 678
E-mail: sopron@pannoniahotel.com
GPS: 47.6834561, 16.5899179
Hotel Palatinus ***
H-9400 Sopron, Új u. 23.
Phone: +36 99 523 816
E-mail: info@palatinussopron.com
GPS: 47.6841557, 16.5882504
Boutique Hotel Civitas ***
H-9400 Sopron, II. Rákóczi Ferenc. u. 33.
Phone: +36 99 788 228
E-mail: info@civitashotel.com
GPS: 47.683498, 16.584636
University Students’ Hostels
H-9400 Sopron, Baross u. 4-6.
Phone: +36 99 518 238
E-mail: szallasfoglalas@uni-sopron.hu
GPS: 47.685115, 16.5730163
About Sopron
Sopron is situated near the western borders of Hungary, at the foot of the Alps, 60 km from Vienna and 220 km from Budapest. It is one of the oldest jewelboxes of the country. Sopron merges past and present in itself. It creates a bridge between Hungary and its western neighbours, opening a gate for foreign guests visiting Hungary, as it is symbolized by the coat of arms of the city.
The inhabitants of the city are famed for their hospitality and loyalty to their hometown. This is also symbolized by the ‘Gate of Faith’, which can be found on the southern side of the Firewatch Tower, the symbol of the city, and which was made in memory of the referendum of 1921.
The City Hall was built in 1896, in the year of the Hungarian Millennium. Opposite it, the Storno House is one of the most well-known buildings of the city, thanks to its highly interesting collection. Even King Matthias stayed overnight between these walls. The Goat Church provided a venue for coronations and parliamentary sessions. The Holy Trinity Statue is a masterpiece of the Hungarian Baroque, while the neo-Gothic Ursuline Church is one of the most impressive architectural monuments of the past century. Várkerület was built along the former moat, its inner row of houses following the line of the castle wall. A gem of Várkerület is the Maria Statue.
The curative and refreshing air of the natural environment, the hiking routes of the wooded hillsides, the view towers, the mountain springs, and the proximity of Lake Fertő make Sopron one of the most beautiful and most pleasant holiday resorts of Hungary. The Löverek, the hilly area south of the city, is the most fascinating and most distinguished area of the city. It offers calm forests with spruces, oaks and chestnuts, lilies of the valley and cyclamens, hiking paths and lookout towers.
Another attraction of the historic town of Sopron is the excellent wines of the region, so the city is becoming increasingly popular among those who would like to satisfy their thirst with noble wines.
Travel to Sopron
From Budapest
By car: Sopron can be reached by car on highway M1 then on motor roads 85 and 84 to Sopron (220 km).
By plane: Budapest Airport is located about 250 kilometres from Sopron. Sopron is easy to reach from Budapest Airport by car on a highway. You can choose a taxi shuttle from the airport to Budapest Keleti railway station (https://www.minibud.hu/en/shuttle). You can reach Sopron from Budapest Keleti railway station by train. Or you can choose a direct taxi shuttle from Budapest Airport to Sopron (http://www.airporttaxisopron.hu/en/).
By train: From Budapest there are regular regional train connections to “Sopron” station. The trip takes around 150 minutes. From the Sopron train station, the venue can be reached within 10 minutes by walk (just straight forward about 500 metres from the station on Mátyás Király Street then links to Deák Square, right to Erzsébet Street).
From Vienna
By car: Sopron can be reached by car on highway A4, and motorway A3,
and motor road 84 (approx. 73 km).
By plane: Vienna Airport is located about 73 kilometres from Sopron. Sopron is easy to reach from Vienna Airport by car on a highway. You can choose a taxi shuttle from the airport to Sopron (http://www.airporttaxisopron.hu/en/). You also can reach Sopron from Vienna Airport
by train through Vienna.
By train: Vienna is reachable from every major European station. From Vienna there are regular regional train connections to “Sopron” station. The trip takes around 80 minutes. From the train station, the venue can be reached within 10 minutes by walk (just straight forward about 500 metres from the station on Mátyás Király Street then links to Deák Square, right to Erzsébet Street).
From Bratislava
By car: Sopron can be reached by car on motor road E58, and highway A6,
and motor road 84 (approx. 95 km).
By plane: Bratislava Airport is located about 95 kilometres from Sopron. You can choose a direct taxi shuttle from Bratislava Airport to Sopron (http://www.airporttaxisopron.hu/en/). You also can reach Sopron from Bratislava Airport by train through Vienna and Wiener Neustadt.
By train: You can reach Sopron from Bratislava Airport by train through Vienna and Wiener Neustadt. Or with Flixbus to Vienna Airport, then Vienna Central Station. From the Sopron train station, the venue can be reached within 10 minutes by walk (just straight forward about 500 metres from the station on Mátyás Király Street then links to Deák Square, right to Erzsébet Street).
University of Sopron Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics
H-9400 Sopron, Erzsébet u. 9.